Program events 2024-2025

Welcome to our HPS educational program for 2024-2025! We’re focusing on Depth and Vitality, with a particular emphasis on Bionian conceptualizations, post-Bionian views, and Italian field theory. We’ve scheduled 6 conferences, 9 evening lectures, 2 meet-the-author events, 8 book discussions, and 9 study groups. Here are a few things to note about our programs this year:

• We’re offering more educational events than in the past. Not all of them offer CMEs or other CEs, however, due to the volume of the work involved. CE/CME exclusions are noted on the calendar of events.

• Rather than offering a diversity conference, we’re offering 2 evening lectures (and, alternatively, a 2-part study group) that address diversity and cultural competence.

• We added a 3-hour teletherapy conference, which is intended for clinicians offering these services and which also satisfies requirements for PsyPact approval and renewal.

• We’ve scheduled a variety of great presenters this year. Some of them will be teaching and speaking at multiple events, thereby offering a “deep dive” into their ways of thinking and working.

• All educational events will be held live online via Zoom. This is a means of reducing costs, enabling participation locally and from afar, and reducing the carbon footprint in Houston, a city which has experienced increased winds, hurricanes, flooding, and devastation in recent decades.